We protect nature because it is and will be our home.
- Water and biodiversity
- Responsible production
- Visits
In 1924, Victor Navajas Centeno planted the southernmost yerbales on the planet and laid the foundations of Las Marías philosophy.
Today, the fourth generation is distinguished by the integral production of yerba mate and tea of international quality, supporting its community and taking care of the natural environment in which it develops.
Knowing every step of production in detail guarantees the quality that makes us proud. These are our brands, with flavors for every preference.
A tour of Las Marías in the words of its people.
Since its beginnings, Las Marías has protected the native flora and fauna, the water courses and our main natural resource: the land.
Hectares of
Natural Reserve
Tons of
Compost per year
Tons of
Biomass per year
per year